Unlock Your Purpose, Passions and Potential

Get Unstuck and Energised to Discover the Power of Your Unique Self, and Transform Your Life From Ordinary to Extraordinary.

Who Am I?

For most of my life, like many of us, I considered it impossible to have everything I dreamed of in my life—a lovely family, a happy relationship, a perfect career, beautiful home and no financial worries all rolled into one and all the time? No one around lived such a wonderful life! And so, I spent many years living up to expectations, meeting essential needs and trying the best I could. Life was full of “shoulds”, “needs” and “I would if I coulds”.

I persistently ignored the nagging little voice insisting that there was “more” to me, my work and my life. I kept pushing it to the back of my mind (to listen to later), as I continued on in my familiar groove of managing home, family and an intense professional life, to the point of exhaustion and, ultimately, burnout.

Looking back, this enforced break was my best-ever gift: I finally took the time to listen to my little voice and to act on it. With a new inner determination, I gradually replaced the “shoulds” with “wants.” Most importantly, I acknowledged my long-held dream to help people become their best. I could no longer ignore that, in uplifting and supporting others to realise their own dreams, I am, without fail, my most energised and positive, happy and fulfilled self. This is, quite simply, my life purpose.

By becoming a coach, I have come full circle—I live my passion and purpose every day, thanks to mentors and coaches who empowered the reflections, insights, shifts, and decisions that have brought me here. And this is exactly what I will be for you—a supportive guide who accompanies, encourages and inspires to find and bring to life your purpose, and to design a future life that reflects the real and unique You.

About My Program


Who It Is For?

This program is for people of all ages and walks of life who

  • are overwhelmed by the repetitiveness and tedium of day-to-day life
  • feel they are in a rut, not knowing how to get themselves out of it
  • feel their lives lack meaning and purpose
  • yearn for something “better” or “more” in life
  • want to gain clarity on what really defines them and what they are “meant to do”
  • are ready to find the key for more joy, meaning and purpose
  • want to create a positive and lasting impact on the world around them.

Who It Is Not For?

Women who are

  • looking for a “quick fix” to a specific issue
  • not ready or willing to invest time in the demanding “inner” work of personal development and discovery
  • not serious about knowing their passions and capabilities, and wanting to change their lives to be at one with their purpose
  • happy with their current lives.
Module One

Getting Unstuck: Clearing Your Decks!


Setting solid foundation before starting a journey that demands strength, positivity, stamina, and energy.

  • Gaining clarity on and eliminating sources of overwhelm and areas of stress.
  • Identifying 2-3 specific areas in which to start ‘clearing’ sources of stress and overwhelm through practical daily actions.
  • Setting aside space, time, and uplifting activities to recharge energy.
  • Devising a practical action plan for 1-2 daily “happy habits” for positive energy.
  • Looking at what’s good in life despite the overwhelm and sense of being lost.


We all feel stuck, lost, and overwhelmed at some point in our lives. That’s OK and very normal. The point is to understand why and where this is happening in your life–and what you can do about it.

When we’re really stuck, it seems impossible to decide where to begin to become unstuck. The secret is to remove sources of negative energy to make room for positive vibes! Identifying your greatest obstacles and the actions to clear them out of your life is the first stage of your journey. By focusing on your present, even small steps towards clearing your decks move you forward–and when you persistently take many of those, can you imagine how far you will come.

Module Two

Becoming Gloriously Selfish–Practising Immaculate Self-Care


Understanding the roles you play in the lives of others not only highlights where you put your energies, time and effort, but also what depletes you. To get more energy into your life, it is important that you

  • Focus on YOU!
  • Identify four “must-haves” that you can easily integrate into your life right now to help move you away from overwhelming and towards the threshold of joy and happiness.
  • Establish clear boundaries to practice daily energy-inducing “me-time”.
  • Devise a practical action plan of 1-2 daily “happy habits” to recharge batteries and boost your positive energy.


Too many of us consider looking after ourselves a selfish luxury–with which we’ll reward ourselves after tending to everyone else’s needs first. We forget (or ignore!) that taking the time regularly to look after our own well-being not only recharges our batteries but also makes us happier and more positive.

Module Three

The Whisper of Adventure: Thoughts that become Things


As you clear the messy decks of your current life and gain a greater sense of well-being, you may see the first minuscule glimpse of a more radiant future. While a precise vision has not yet emerged, tentative first steps are in order! At this point, you

  • Start to see the gaps between your current and your desired life.
  • Become clearer about what you want to keep in the future—and what you can do without.
  • Begin to let go of some of the “baggage” that you have carried around with you for a long time.
  • Become more confident—allowing the Real You, hidden for so long, to emerge.


As you get your life into more manageable order, you realise that what has got you stuck is a not only visible mess and endless to-do lists, responsibilities, and obligations, but also the hidden beliefs and assumptions behind them, which are now beginning to surface. 

You realise that your own thoughts may never have become things because they became blocked by those of others, convincing you to make “sensible” rather than “heartfelt” decisions. It’s key now to unravel the tangle of long-held “shoulds” and “oughts” to start a virtuous cycle, in which thoughts will become wonderful things.

Module Four

Who Are You, Deep Down? Getting to the Heart of You


At this point, you have done a lot of work on becoming clearer about the world and the people around you. Now, we’ll be doing some deep digging to get to the core of you through the Enneagram of Personality. This highly powerful and profound tool

  • Literally wakes you up to all facets of yourself.
  • Gives you a complete understanding of who you are “on the inside”.
  • Highlights your hidden strengths, talents, and unique abilities.
  • Indicates your motivations, triggers, and limiting beliefs.
  • Provides the most solid foundation on which to devise practical actions to become the most whole and dynamic version of your unique personality.


Most of us are so busy sorting out our day-to-day lives that spending time exploring our personality—the elements that make us who we are, influence our thoughts, actions, and decisions—invariably falls by the wayside, because it’s not easy or quick, and we worry what we might find!

And yet, knowing exactly who you are deep down, and how your personality has shaped you, your thoughts, and your actions is the most powerful single tool to help you grow. Once you discover and embrace all parts of the “who of you”, you will be on course to let go of limiting beliefs and allow your inner magnificence to shine through.

Module Five

What Makes Your Heart Sing?


Becoming clear about your own personal values is another vital ingredient to help move you towards your future self.

As you identify your “Top 5” core values, you will

  • Explore how they resonate with you.
  • Consider to what extent you currently live by them.
  • Create a plan to progressively improve your alignment with them through targeted actions.


We often speak about “living by one’s values”, but what does this mean exactly?

You know when you do live by your values: they provide you with the energy that makes your heart sing and puts a spring in your step—all day. Life is more effortless, joyful, and fulfilling when we live by our own values rather than living by those of others.

Becoming conscious of your values, and their role in your happiness enables you to map daily actions around them for more purposeful living and alignment with your True Self.

Module Six

Here’s Looking at You


To gain a complete picture of the “who of you,” one puzzle piece remains: how do the important and loving people in your life see you?

 You now become a detective who discovers

  • What makes you special to others.
  • What they admire about you.
  • How important your presence is in their life.
  • What they would never be able to do or achieve without you.


If we were our own island, knowing ourselves from the inside would be quite enough. Because we interact with other people every day, we do need to know how and what they see in us, and our impact on them.

We do not often go out of our way to seek this kind of feedback—possibly because it seems selfish, or embarrassing, to ask when we should know?

Such an investigation is life-affirming—people whom you trust will be the mirror that reflects your True You back to you—in ways you may never have thought!

Module Seven

Previous Whispers to Adventure: Your Past Is a Guide for Your Future


When moving forward, it’s useful first to look back to pinpoint the highs and lows of your life trajectory to date, as well as your past dreams and aspirations. They all provide powerful kernels of information on what is important to you, at what you excel, and what this indicates for your next stage of change. Through various thought-provoking exercises, you will

  • Shine a light on your achievements: What did you do, and how did they make you feel?
  • Explore the challenges life has thrown in your way: how did you overcome or work through them. What do your findings tell you about yourself?
  • Look at your long-held dreams and aspirations. What did you always want to do and be—and why? What do they say about your Real Self and your ideal life?
  • Identify which red threads run through your past and how they can connect to your future.
  • Become clear on what you enjoy and gravitate to—and what you’d rather avoid.
  • Practically plan how you can integrate the things that resonate with you most into your life right now.


When we think of a life change, it’s easy to want to look only to the future—because that’s where we want to go and because our present is what we want to leave behind!

Nevertheless, in preparing for ,the future, it is essential to look back to our major achievements, actions, dreams and hopes, not so much to replicate them in the future, but to understand what these say about who you are, what you’re good at and what you enjoy. In this way, you can incorporate the essence of your dreams and the meaning behind your achievements into your new journey of transformation.

Module Eight

Hearing the Call to Adventure : Getting Ready to Rise


You have reached the threshold between your current, and your next stage. To put the final polish on your shining star, you will

  • Discover the unique combination of five top strengths—innate talents that are natural for you.
  • Implement these in your everyday activities, and notice how you develop amazing traction by doing what comes naturally.
  • Become crystal clear about, and focus your attention only on, what makes your heart sing and what inspires you.
  • Craft an Irresistible Mission Statement that encapsulates all of “you” and guides you on your way forward.


You have achieved a major breakthrough moment. By becoming increasingly clear about what you want, you are now ready to rise and shine. You have cleared your decks, faced your limiting beliefs and started to look forward with optimism and clarity. Most importantly, you have gained courage and confidence along the way. You are now more than ready to follow your personal call to adventure.

Module Nine

Heeding the Call to Adventure: Setting Your Compass


You now know it’s time to set the compass to your future vision, by

  • Envisioning your future in tangible detail.
  • A vision board to illustrate how you will honour your passions, define your purpose and live;
  • Putting in place positive energy strategies to keep you uplifted and in good form on your journey.
  • Letting go of any lingering outdated thoughts and assumptions.


Have you noticed how, when you focus on something you desire, it pops up everywhere? It is a powerful way of attracting what you want to come to you.

By visualising your future, the fuzzy thoughts around your life become much more tangible and attainable when you can see them every day. You will automatically gravitate to the right actions, and filter out the ones that would unnecessarily sidetrack you.

Module Ten

Following the Call to Adventure: The Phoenix Rises


On the Road to Reinvention, you navigate your real present and ideal future life simultaneously–and even with the greatest passion, patience, and perseverance, it’s not always easy and straightforward. A plan is called for!

You will build a solid strategy that:

  • Ensures your future goals are realistic and firmly aligned with your values, personality, talents, strengths, passions, and purpose.
  • Breaks down your big vision into manageable, realistic, achievable, and energising goals.
  • Prevents you from falling back into old habits and beliefs.
  • Keeps you firmly on track.


You are now well and truly off!

Your path to reinvention is now an adventure: you know the ultimate arrival point, but not the stages in between.

You’ll need to plan for the unexpected, as not everything will go as planned. Making sure you manage your energies, keeping focused on your goal but being flexible with the stages to get there, and being passionate, patient, and persistent is key not to losing sight of your goal–but to reaching it in style.

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